Кърпа, която ще използвате с нетърпение. Заменя изцяло пластмасовите кърпички. От естествени материа
Hand brush made of FSC certified wood and agave bristles.
A sachet of organic cotton canvas is suitable for pastries, herbs, teas, dried mushrooms, etc. It ha
A bag from a stronger organic cotton cloth is especially suited to a whole loaf of bread or more pie
Голяма Сготвиторба в етно мотиви от серия Традиция - Розови спирали. Сготвиторбата действа като
Dish brush made of FSC certified wood, metal and agate bristles with replaceable head. For comfortab
Голяма Сготвиторба в етно мотиви от серия Традиция - Сини кръгове. Сготвиторбата действа като те
A mesh bag with a thicker square mesh is especially suitable for fruit and vegetables that can be bo
Head replacement for dishwash brush made from FSC-certified wood and agave bristles.
A mesh bag with a thicker square mesh is especially suitable for fruit and vegetables that can be bo
Brush (scourer) from coconut fibres with wooden handle. Ideal for cleaning fruits, vegetables and di
Wonderbag is a simple but revolutionary non-electric, portable slow cooker. It continues to cook foo
Brush (scourer) from coconut fibres. Ideal for cleaning fruits, vegetables and dishes. The brush (sc
Brush (scourer) from coconut fibres with wooden handle. Ideal for cleaning glasses and cups. The bru
Голяма Сготвиторба от серия Ърбън - Червена. Сготвиторбата действа като термос – предварит
Wonderbag is a simple but revolutionary non-electric, portable slow cooker. It continues to cook foo
Washable snack pocket made of unbleached organic cotton without a plastic impervious finish. Two sti
String bag is a useful bag for carrying groceries and various other stuff. Made from organic cotton.
Washable napkin made of unbleached organic cotton without plastic impervious finish. Two stitched la
String bag is a useful bag for carrying groceries and various other stuff. Made from organic cotton.
Our lovely stainless steel straws are extremely durable, unbreakable, easy to clean and, most import
Very dense string bag made from organic cotton. WHY ORGANIC COTTON? Organic cotton
Our lovely stainless steel straws are extremely durable, unbreakable, easy to clean and, most import
Very dense string bag made from organic cotton. WHY ORGANIC COTTON? Organic cotton
Сламка от неръждаема стомна за многократна употреба, която ще намали вашата употреба на плас
Very dense string bag made from organic cotton. WHY ORGANIC COTTON? Organic cotton
Zero waste living manual in Bulgarian Author: Blazhka Dimitrova Published by: "Ракета"